This is the first post to this blog and events page for 20 & 30-Somethings Doing Some Things. At the time of the event, the website was unplanned and no photos were taken, so I am writing this from memory and using a stock photo from Pexels.

I went for a short hike before game night this week. Sunshine is rare in Washington this time of year, so I decided to enjoy the rare period of brightness with a 5 mile hike at Lookout Mountain. It wasn’t very eventful and I ran out of time before reaching my destination, but it was still nice to be out and enjoy a day with some decent, though cold, weather.

6 o’clock was drawing close and I was the first to arrive at the Rook & Rogue. I checked the RSVP list again and estimated that there would be about 5 this time, so I got one of the smaller tables. It wasn’t long until Travis arrived and we chatted for a bit waiting for the others. Both of us were somewhat disappointed in the lack of real social interaction at these events and thought we’d try out a more cooperative game.

We picked out somethng along the lines of “Build a Spaceship” which seemed like a fairly simple game, with the exception of figuring out how to setup the deck. For the most part, it was a game of trying to collect all six spaceship cards while trying to eliminate problem cards by playing the correct tool to fix them.

A few more showed up, but one was only around long enough for a drink before heading out early. Since the setup for the spaceship game depended on the number of players, we decided to switch over to good ol’ Cards Against Humanity.

Drinks were served and drank, food was eaten, and cards were thrown around. It was a pretty typical evening with the exception of there only being four of us and, for whatever reason, it being a guys-only night.

Around the time the game was drawing to a close, we found out this would be a short night. Some had to be up really early in the morning and couldn’t stay out. And, since you can’t do much with three or fewer, we all paid for the food and drink and called it a night. Before leaving though, contact info was exchanged to stay in touch.

Here’s hoping for a better turnout next time. You can RSVP for the next game night on here